I just had my first cervical orgasm since completing my four-year celibacy last year.  In this episode, I share the beauty that it was, it’s healing and purifying qualities, as well as cross-overs with the HOURS-LONG energetic and transcendental orgasms I experienced in Tantric practices in India.  References: Kundalini Yoga, the Microcosmic Orbit, ancient Taoist Sexual Reflexology, and Tao Tantra.

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Episode 1: Transcendental and Cervical Orgasms

By Catrina

Exploring Transcendental and Cervical Orgasms: A Profound Journey to Sexual Awakening

Welcome to my podcast, where I invite you to delve into the realms of sexuality, sensuality, and personal transformation. I am Catrina Armendariz, a somatic therapist, sex and intimacy coach, and the founder of Esencia, an online subscription platform launching this fall. In this podcast, I will share with you the experience of transcendent and cervical orgasms, two powerful forms of pleasure that can deepen your connection to yourself and the universe.

Embracing the Power of Transcendent Orgasms

Have you ever experienced an orgasm that transcends physical pleasure and taps into the cosmic energy of the universe? If not, let me take you on a journey through my personal experience with transcendent orgasms and the profound impact they had on my life.

From a young age, I was fortunate enough to experience energetic orgasms that engulfed my being. These transcendent orgasms opened up a world beyond the physical realm, allowing me to bask in the beauty of the cosmos and experience catharsis. Catharsis, in particular, became my transcendental orgasm—a powerful, loud, and cathartic release of energy that allowed me to heal and purify myself.

These orgasms were not simply the result of physical stimulation; they were a result of my ability to channel and flow with the immense, infinite sexual energy within me. During a pilgrimage following the passing of my mother, I experienced the most potent transcendent orgasm of my life. It was an orgasm fueled by intense breathwork, bandhas (energy locks), and kumbhakas (breath holds).

The intensity of this orgasm cannot be fully captured in words. It was as if waves of energy surged through my body, clarifying and purifying my emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical being. I felt a deep connection to the universe and a profound sense of love, compassion, and forgiveness for myself and others. This transcendent orgasm allowed me to tap into a timeless space of bliss and transformation.

What made this experience even more extraordinary was that it was a result of cultivating my sexual energy through celibacy and allowing it to transmute into healing energy. While celibacy may not be necessary for everyone, it can be a powerful way to begin mastering your sexual energy and experiencing profound pleasure. It provides an opportunity to internalize and transform sexual energy into a source of healing, soothing the wounds of the spirit.

The Beauty of Cervical Orgasms: A Journey of Sensual Awakenings

Beyond transcendent orgasms, I’ve also had the pleasure of experiencing cervical orgasms—a deeply nourishing and enlightening form of pleasure. The cervix, located at the entryway of the vagina, is a powerful sexual organ innervated by the vagus nerve and connected to the heart and crown chakras. Stimulation of the cervix can lead to intense pleasure and a profound energetic experience.

During a recent encounter with a casual partner, I experienced a cervical orgasm that left an indelible mark on my being. I felt safe and deeply connected to my partner, allowing me to fully embrace the pleasure that unfolded. As his cock entered my vagina, stimulating the cervix and surrounding meridian points, I felt an energy field shimmering from my pelvic region, expanding throughout my body and dissolving the borders between myself and the universe.

This orgasm was unlike any other; it felt medicinal and sustained, not requiring a hasty completion. It was a deep, yin experience of euphoria that invited me to fully embody the enlivening waves of pleasure. While a blended orgasm incorporating clitoral stimulation can bring about completion and release, the cervical orgasm, in itself, is a profoundly clarifying and purifying experience, reminiscent of my transcendent orgasms.

Cultivating Safety and Releasing Trauma for Deeper Pleasure

Not all women may easily access cervical orgasms due to various factors, including trauma, tension, or numbness. For many, deep self-work and a sense of internal safety are necessary to fully embrace and experience pleasure on this level. Building awareness of sensations and releasing stored tension can pave the way for a more profound connection with one’s body and the ability to access cervical pleasure.

Practices such as de-armoring can be employed to expand awareness and release trauma from the body. Creating a safe space within oneself and choosing discerning partners who facilitate that safety can also play a crucial role in experiencing cervical orgasms. It is a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the ability to fully feel the depths of one’s emotions, unlocking the peaks and valleys of pleasure within.

Honoring Personal Preferences and Pleasure

When it comes to orgasms, each person’s preferences and experiences are unique. Whilst some may find clitoral orgasms fulfilling, others may resonate more with cervical or blended orgasms. It is essential to honor and explore your own pleasure, discovering what brings you the most profound joy and fulfillment.

As I continue on my journey of sexual awakening and exploration, I invite you to embark on your own path of pleasure, connection, and personal transformation. Embrace the power of transcendent and cervical orgasms as gateways to deep healing and sensory awakening. Remember, your pleasure is a sacred gift—treat it with love, curiosity, and respect.

If this podcast resonates with you, I encourage you to explore Esencia, my online subscription platform launching soon, offering sex education, sensual yoga, and embodiment practices. Together, let’s celebrate the beauty of pleasure, intimacy, and fully embracing our aliveness within our bodies.



I felt like his cock was the cock of

the cosmos and it was beyond this world.

How often have I met people who express

that orgasm was an opportunity for them to

bellow out in tears, to have catharsis.

Catharsis was my transcendental orgasm.

Incredibly, powerfully, cathartic, loud.

I didn’t even realize how loud I was.

It was just happening because

the catharsis was happening.

I was clearing, I was purifying, I was

being healed by this beautiful, powerful, yin like,

immense, infinite sexual energy that I had access

to, that I allowed to flow through me. Hello.

Hello, my loves! Bienvenidos!

Welcome to my podcast.

I’m Catrina Armendariz and I’m your host.

I’m also a somatic therapist, sex and intimacy coach,

and I’m the founder of Esencia, an online subscription

platform launching this fall with sex education, sensual yog,

and other embodiment practices to support you in feeling

fully alive in your body again.

Meditation, breath, work, movement, you name it.

In this podcast, I invite you into

my journey through sexuality and all things

live and evolutionary in my heart.

Join me as I open the door to

my most intimate and vulnerable moments and share

some of the wisdom I’ve gained through over

30 years of tantric and embodiment practices.

This is disclaimer a shame, slaying podcast.

So if you’re not quite ready to get rid of

that shame, this might not be the podcast for you.

But if you are ready to step into that fire of transformation,

this is the place and this is the space for you.

This will nourish your heart’s blossoming, your reclamation

of outrageous pleasure, your fuck yes energy, and

your transformation into your most empowered self.

Are you ready for this?

If you are enjoying this podcast, please rate

and review so we can get this out

to people all around the world desiring to

dive into this beautiful experience along with us.

Okay, love you all.

Let’s dive.

Hello, hello, beautiful beings and lovely souls.

I am Catrina.

This is the first podcast that I’m recording.

It’s actually, I don’t know, maybe the hundredth time.

I’ve recorded a podcast for the first time, and

this one in particular, it’s my second time.

So I’m here on the Big Islands

in a beautiful magical town called Pāhoa.

It’s a lovely hippie paradise.

It’s a little nook and cranny in the corner

of the universe that feels so nourishing and just

the perfect space for me to be in this

moment while I rejuvenate and restore my nervous system.

I’m from Hawai’i originally and I’ve been back

home in Hawai’i since September of last year.

And I must say, as small as these islands are and

as popular as they are and being that they are part

of the United States, they’ve changed so rapidly over the years

and Oahu just feels like a huge clusterfuck.

People are loving it, especially as of COVID I hear

a lot of people have moved there and I see

it and it just feels overcrowded, I really felt like

I got vomited out of oahu, and I’m really happy

that it spit me out onto this beautiful, magical paradise.

So here we are.

This episode is going to be

on transcendent and cervical orgasms.

I recently had a cervical orgasm, and so

that is the inspiration for the topic.

Let’s start first with transcendental orgasm.

I have had the great fortune to

experience energetic orgasms through my body, through

my being from a very young age.

And yeah, where to go from there?

Let’s start with my most powerful transcendental

orgasm, because there’s a whole spectrum of

orgasm that we can experience in our

bodies, and especially as feminine embodied.

And I’ve experienced so many ranges of orgasm throughout

my lifetime since a young, young, young age.

And the most powerful of them all,

up until recently now it’s debatable, was

my transcendental orgasm on pilgrimage.

Now, when people hear me say pilgrimage, unless you’ve

been on a very intentional spiritual or religious journey,

that word itself brings up a lot of mystery.

So let me clarify.

In 2018, when my mom passed away, she was hit

by a car, and her death was pretty immediate.

I went on pilgrimage.

I put everything I lived in New York

City at the time, put everything in storage.

Well, my roommates put it in storage for me.

They graciously kicked me out of the

house and put everything in storage.

I was quite angry at first, and then I was

like, wait, you all just did me a great favor.

Thank you.

Thank you, universe.

And that’s a story for another time.

And then I left.

I traveled to see and spend time

with my teachers, my yoga teachers.

I had been studying and practicing yoga

since I was about four years old.

And I moved to New York City in 2013 so

that I could sort of get like a sampler of

the different teachers who were traveling into the city and

sharing their teachings or the teachers who were based there,

the different practices that were available.

New York City is great for that.

Get a nice little taste of everything there.

So, yeah, everything went into storage, and I said, now

is the time for me to go deeper into my

practices and spend time full on with my teachers.

So I became a full time student of yoga and tantra.

And at the time I was pretty deep into Kundalini

practices, and so I decided I would start there.

And I started a teacher training that fall, and

then I jumped to another teacher training that winter.

And it was probably the year after.

Yeah, it was about a year after that.

I was in our morning practice, which was probably like

five or six in the morning, two hour practice, that

I began to have the most powerful orgasms ever.

And I would describe this as all

of the most powerful orgasms in the

universe multiplied by a million trillion.

Gazillion it was beyond words.

Words could not capture the

experience of what happened.

Now, let me preface this with the

fact that I was experiencing intense shooting

pain, like a heating, piercing pain.

That was the word I used, because

that’s exactly what I felt like.

It was like a piercing energy from my pelvic

area shooting up all the way to the crown

of my head, and it was painful.

And this was as a result of many things, but I

had cultivated the ability to really enliven a powerful, energetic force

of shakti of energy, of prana, shakti, of qi, but I

didn’t know how to be with that energy.

The point of the practices in Kundalini or to the

breath work practices and the kumbhakas, or the breath holds,

is to infuse the body with as much life force

as possible in such a short amount of time, prana.

Now, we have energy channels that are mapped throughout

the subtle body and subtler than the physical.

And in Traditional Chinese

Medicine, these are meridians.

In Vedic or Tantric studies, these are the nadis nadi.

And you could think of these as like veins that

are running through the course of the body and enabling

circulation of blood through all the different organ systems.

In a subtler sense, they run through the

entirety of the body, and they’re circulating not

blood per se, though they support that.

They’re circulating prana energy.

And we have blockages a lot of times in these nadis.

And we engage practices to help clear those channels,

to allow the energy to move more fluidly so

that it can vivify and support optimal health.

Now, emotional blockages are one example of manifestation on

a more physical realm, a more gross level, I

should say, of a blockage in the subtle body.

Now, a very popular practice that we engage in the

Yogic tradition is breath work to help to move prana

forcibly through these nadis, these channels, and to clear out

those blocks as they’re clearing out the blockages.

This is when we start to get the

detoxification of the system manifesting as shakes in

the body, maybe sounds coming out, audible events

happening for the person, essentially, the nervous system

starts to detox and unstress.

So we engage these intense

breath work practices in Kundalini.

And at that time, I started with

Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

So he had created his system to cater to the

audience of his time, which were hippies who were loving

up on each other, loving up on drugs.

And these intense breath work practices that

he gave them were intended to clear

those naughties and purify those naughties.

So these are breath work practices that had to meet

the intensity of the lifestyle that they were engaging in.

So this is like fiery breath work practice.

So I’m engaging in this practice for

a while before pilgrimage even started.

And then I went full on into it at a teacher training.

And this piercing energy had started before the

teacher training, but it only amplified and vivified.

And so I ended up at a different

Kundalini center in India later that year.

And I asked my teacher, who was a radical young dude,

I said, you know, teacher, I won’t say his name.

I whistle blew on him for

his conduct in the retreat center.

Not my proudest moment, but at the same time, I don’t

condone his behavior and karmically, it was an experience that we

were all meant to go through in so many ways.

So I sat in a private meeting with

him, and I said, you know, teacher, I

am experiencing an intense pain in our kriyas

or practice, our yogic practice in the morning.

And it’s feeling like it needs a release.

But I don’t know if it’s okay for me to

do that because I’m not sure what’s going to happen

once I let it go, but it hurts so much,

and I really don’t know what to do.

And he said, that’s okay, you let it go.

We don’t try to force it.

We don’t try to control it.

We don’t try to contain it.

You just let the energy flow.

And he gave an example of people who contain it,

because that’s the way that I was taught in my

prior your training, was build the energy up.

I guess I should give you more clarification.

So the point of this is that we’re building

the container to maintain energy, to maintain the intensity.

To be with that intensity, in order to maintain

a container, we have to cap that container.

We have to build the energy and hold it in.

We can’t let it leak out.

And that’s the point of the locks, the

bandhas that we learn in yogic practice.

So they teach us to build that energy.

Intense breath work.

Intense breath work.

And then take a deep breath in

and hold it and pull the locks.

And I’m a fiery person by nature, so you tell me

to pull my locks, I’m going to pull it really hard.

And actually, I learned the whole intention

of locks are meant to be subtle.

All of these practices are meant

to move more into the subtle.

So I’m engaging with extreme intensity, my physicality of the

locks, squeezing my perineum, my anus, and my sex organs

in and up my abdomen and my neck lock.

And I’m holding the energy, and I’ve got a lot

of energy because I’ve got a lot of intensity.

And I’ve built it all up, and it just hurts like fuck.

Fast forward to India.

And my teacher says, Let it go.

You’re going to end up rigid like all

those other people who just hold it in.

You don’t want to walk around

looking like a rigid thing.

Just let energy flow.

So I let it flow.

And lo and behold, it was the most

expansive, most infinitely blissful and purifying orgasmic experience

I have ever had in my life.

I felt a sense of completion before that.

Anytime I consummated my sexual energy through

masturbation or through just attentive awareness, like

I gave it more energy through attention.

It turned into a feverishness, a hungry, ghost energy.

It was insatiable.

It was as if I could never find completion.

It was always searching for the next, for the next.

As though maybe a bigger orgasm would allow me to feel

like I could just exhale and move on from that.

But no, it consumed my entirety of my being.

Not so in this transcendental orgasm.

It could have gone on forever because the

energy was infinite of what was happening.

The orgasm happened to me very much like I surrendered

to an intense surge of energy from the universe.

Just clarifying my emotional, my mental,

my spiritual and my physical being.

And the microcosmic orbit that Mantak Chia speaks a

lot about in the Taoist tradition, sexual practices.

I had practiced it prior to pilgrimage with a lot of

force and a lot of attention and a lot of awareness.

Visualizing the heat rising up and the

waterfall drawing down the front of my

body and then fast forward to India.

I’m in my meditation practice or my breath

work, my yogic practice and a spontaneous orbit

is starting to take over this.

It was as if I was plugged straight

into the energetic system of the Universe and

it was orbiting the entirety of my being

and clarifying and purifying the nadis, clearing out

the meridians, clearing out all of the blockages.

And it felt so liberating, it felt so powerful.

It felt like the magnitude of

universes upon universes upon universes.

I was like, no manually stimulated orgasm

or mentally stimulated energetic orgasm could possibly

meet the immensity of this.

Why bother?

This was like it.

And on top of that, the visual experience in

my mind of what was happening was incredible.

There was a movie that I stepped into, a

reality that I stepped into, where I became Durga.

Durga is a goddess representing she’s,

the goddess in the Vedic pantheon.

Vedic or Tantric, I can’t remember right now the origin of

her, who is known to be the destruction of Ego.

She chops heads off.

She’s a ruthless goddess of liberation.

Any whiff of ego and she will

swiftly slice the head off of it.

And I became Durga on a lion, very

gracefully and powerfully, treading through the forest.

Not treading.

We were like bulldozing through the forest and

slicing off all of the heads of Ego.

Through all of the experiences.

I mean, when I say all, I don’t mean all,

but certainly many of my past experiences in this lifetime.

Memories of experiences I had gone through that

I had not processed, stories that I held

onto, in experiences that I had, clarity came.

I could see very clearly the root of the experience.

I could see the experience itself for what it

was, not what I felt it to be.

And it was so clarifying, it was so liberating

and it allowed me to experience a deep sense

of love for those who were involved and as

well as for myself, a deep sense of compassion

and forgiveness and understanding of our humanity and all

of this happening in the sense of timelessness.

This was my transcendental experience of orgasm

on pilgrimage and this doesn’t even encapsulate

the immense beauty of what that was.

So I was celibate at that time and I had

the good fortune of having wonderful supports on my path

during that time, really allowing me to maintain my celibacy.

I broke it twice in bouts of depression but that

is not relevant to what I’m getting at here.

The celibacy along with my ability to tune into

and to master my sexual energy, to have that

nuanced perception of my energy through the practices that

I had been doing, allowed me to transmute, allowed

me to transform that sexual energy, that yin powerful

sexual energy into a healing energy.

It soothed like balm the wounds of my spirit.

It was beyond, beyond.

So that was beautiful and I really wanted to

iterate the importance that celibacy really helped me to

cultivate that sexual energy in a way where it

could internalize and provide this incredible healing experience and

not everyone needs to go through celibacy for that.

However, if you have the capacity to work with your

energy and because you have cultivated that capacity in this

lifetime, celibacy can be a very powerful way to begin

to master the sexual energy one of many different ways

a person can do it in this lifetime.

Now recently, fast forward to the cervical orgasm.

I broke my celibacy last year, last spring, last

spring or summer, I can’t remember spring, late spring

and so sexual experiences for me are quite new.

I feel like a virgin, feel like I’m rediscovering my

body, my desires because I’m also a different person.

After going through an intense pilgrimage of discovering myself and

letting go of my stories and stepping into a higher

version and a higher expression of me and embodying my

spirit rather than my ego, more and more this entry

into sexuality is a curious foray and discovery of me

in a new way of being.

So very recently I had a casual partner,

really beautiful, beautiful spirit of a man.

I love this boy.

I say that because he’s young man boy and he

provided the energy, the presence that unlocked the experience of

a lifetime for me that I will never forget.

I felt a strong sense of safety in his presence

and I’ll get into this in a little bit but

I really want to get into the orgasm itself.

Cervical orgasm.

So the cervix is anywhere from about three to

four inches on average from the entryway of the

vagina into the vaginal canal and during arousal it

can extend up to about seven inches.

Dependent on one partner’s size, a cervical orgasm is

either possible through penetrative, cock and vagina sex or

would require a toy such as a glass dildo.

And there are many different meridian points,

different pressure points throughout the vagina and

as well as the vulva.

And so there’s an energetic experience that’s

happening there’s a subtle experience that’s happening

as cock is facilitating or pressing against

these different points of the vagina and

specifically as it relates to the cervix.

This meridian point or the meridian points that

are just around it are connected to the

heart as well as the crown.

And the vagus nerve is running through the throat,

through the heart and down through the cervix.

It’s innervated by three nerve groups

including parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves.

So it’s a very powerful, powerful sexual organ.

And Mantak Chia in the Taoist sexual

tradition speaks to the three gates.

He speaks about the clitoris, the head of the clitoris,

the very external head, the G-spot and the cervix.

Or just external to the cervix right next

to the Os, the entryway, the points just

around it as the three gates.

He refers to these as the three gates that

are necessary for female ejaculation, one opening the other

and leading to the other and refers to the

cervical orgasm as the most superior of orgasms.

And I want to say that it’s definitely my

favorite orgasm though it’s certainly a blended orgasm.

Blended meaning it comes from as a cock is

entering the vagina it’s stimulating the clitoris, certainly stimulating

parts of the clitoris since the clitoris does extend

beyond the very tip externally and then innervates the

body or inerts or inserts into the vagina.

So a cock going in and out

can stimulate the clitoris in this way.

But certainly, yes, the chronology that he introduces

of stimulating the clitoris first, then the G

spot and then the cervix certainly makes sense.

Experientially absolutely does.

Is it absolutely necessary? No.

Every woman’s going to be different.

The axe that she has to her own pleasure and

the de armoring that she has or the ability to

soften and receive is going to be different.

Many women would probably absolutely require this but

there are some women who can be completely

open from a very energetic and emotional state

they can release into the physical.

I do want to speak to how beautiful

this orgasm is and how reminiscent the orgasm

was of my transcendental orgasm in my past.

After deep reflection I do recall having cervical

orgasms but this has been such a long

time, it’s been about 15 years.

They were mostly stimulated.

They were pretty much all

stimulated through doggy style.

And this time was my first time,

this recent time, first time receiving it

at my own pace completely through cowgirl.

And I got to tell you, that was amazing.

I went to town each time the head of the

cock hit the OSS of my cervix it was as

though it was pressing a button that opened up a

portal into the entirety of the cosmos.

And this huge energy field started shimmering

up from my pelvic region through the

entirety of my body, upwards and outwards.

All borders between me and anything

else started to completely dissolve.

So I felt a deep connection to the cosmos,

everything around me as well as to my partner.

It was as though I was completely transformed

into a different space and at the same

time completely present in our space.

It was a beautiful experience of like

a tidal wave of energy moving upwards

and outwards and a purifying nature.

And it was very soft and at

the same time growing, expanding, building.

And I could have gone for hours.

And this is something that you might commonly

hear in the context of a cervical orgasm

where there’s almost like an insatiability.

But I wouldn’t call it insatiability.

I would just say that it was a different experience

of orgasm that didn’t require an ending per se.

It didn’t require a completion.

It was, though, there was a purifying essence

to the longevity of being in that experience.

And I didn’t want to stop because it

was like the beginning and the entryway into

an evolutionary experience that was enlightening.

And it brought me back to the

experience of being in my transcendental orgasm.

Only difference is that my transcendental orgasm on

pilgrimage was not manually stimulated in any way.

It was completely physically stimulated through breath work

practice, through moving my bandas, through the energetic

kumbhakas, the holds of the breath and rolling

my eyes in a nub.

But there wasn’t anything penetrating me except

for the energy of the universe.

In this case, I felt like his cock was the

cock of the cosmos and it was beyond this world.

Certainly wanted and desired a clitorial orgasm,

a blended clitorial orgasm to bring completion

to it, but also didn’t need it.

Did not need it.

It felt so clarifying in and of itself.

And Kimonami would describe this orgasm as

something that she could replace therapy with.

It is that purifying, that clarifying, that healing.

And I would have to agree on a level for sure.

I wouldn’t replace therapy, though, because I’m

training to become a mental health therapist

and I believe in therapy.

I don’t think it’s something to replace.

So I want to compare it to other orgasms

that we can have through the other sexual organs

that we have in the feminine body.

So clitoral orgasm, not my favorite, tends to be

very jerky, intense and quick and short lived.

And it’s a beautiful experience to

have, don’t get me wrong.

But when it’s blended I love my Clitora

orgasms to be blended, but when it’s facilitated,

typically with a new partner, historically, right.

I haven’t had sex in many years because of my celibacy.

So my experiences prior were unlike

my experiences that are happening now.

They tend to be just very jerky, very much

like a peak orgasm and then a fall into

energy just kind of disperses from the body.

So a very external, depleting kind of an orgasm.

Comparing that to the cervical orgasm

which feels more internal and energizing

and resourcing orgasm, definitely my preferred.

And there’s a slight pulsation of the cervix that

happens during this orgasm in a fully blended orgasm.

For me that pulsation, that contracting

of that pelvic diaphragm and the

urogenital, all of it coming together.

It’s very intense and very beautiful and it

could be elongated and I love that.

But in and of itself, just having the very

subtle orgasm through the cervical stimulation was powerful.

Now, not all women are going to easily be

able to access a cervical orgasm even if their

partner is sized enough to meet their cervix.

Why is that?

Just typically with any human body, not

everyone is with the same tension and

awareness and trauma tends to keep us

from experiencing sensations that are pleasurable.

What happens when we experience a trauma?

We lock up, we block the energy from flowing through.

We don’t want energy to flow because we

don’t want to go through that experience.

We don’t want to be retriggered, we don’t want to

experience the emotions that are going to come through.

And so oftentimes you might hear people say oh, this cervical

orgasm is not something that you can just phone-in or

that you can have on like a casual encounter.

And I disagree.

If you have cultivated a sense of safety

within yourself, you can absolutely experience this orgasm

in a casual encounter just as I did.

And there are other parameters that can

allow you to experience that safety.

So we have the level of

your internal frame of reference, right?

You have cultivated a deep sense of knowingness in

your own self that you feel your safety.

That also translates to you identifying partners who

you can experience that safety with, right?

You’re more adaptable, you’re more resilient, but at

the same time you’re also more discerning.

Triple that with the circumstances of the situation.

In our case, we are very clear

that it was a casual encounter.

So there was a lot of clarity in that which allowed

me to release and let go into the knowingness of what

this is and how I can really make the best of

this time and this experience that I’m having.

Now, those of us who are holding a lot

of trauma that is preventing or even how about

a lack of just simple awareness, like a numbness

that may not even be due to tension.

It could just be due to the fact that

we haven’t explored that part of the body.

There are de armoring practices that can be employed

in self practice to help to build and cultivate

an awareness of sensation in that area.

To release stored tension, to release trauma.

To allow energy to flow through in a

space of safety that you create for yourself.

To allow grief to come

through, if that’s what’s wanting.

To come through anger to come through

softness, sadness, joy, bliss, whatever it is.

But creating a safety and trusting that you can hold

and maintain the energy of what’s going to be traveling

through when you release and let go and allow yourself

to feel, to feel, to deeply feel in your body.

That is such a gift.

When you allow yourself to feel the depths of your

emotions, how that opens you up to the peaks and

valleys of pleasure that exist within your being.

So that about sums it up.

The beauty of the cervical orgasm

characterized by intense, full body pleasure.

And compared to clitoral orgasms which tend to be

a bit more localized and blended orgasms with a

mixture of the two or three or all different

spots because we have many different according to Mantak Chia,

we have at least 25 different sexual reflexology points

throughout the entirety of the vagina and vulva area.

So imagine when all of that is being stimulated and

being stimulated in a way that is unfolding an energetic

experience that really meets you in a most enlivening way

what that experience can be for you. So blended.

I love blended orgasms and

I absolutely love the cervical.

But you get filled with a sense of

euphoria, a very slow, yin and deep profound

experience of a growing essence of euphoric bliss.

And it can last even

beyond the encounter itself, right?

There’s a sustaining energy in that orgasm relative

to a clitorial, localized orgasm on the head

of the clitoris where it’s a quick fix.

And in most cases, in my experience at least,

that orgasm was meant more for my partner’s pleasure.

Back when I didn’t really know how

to look after my pleasure very well.

It was something that pleased my partner because

they would feel as though they had accomplished

something right, because it was very spasmodic.

And they would assume through my spasmodic nature that

they fulfilled the mission of providing me an orgasm.

Regardless of whether I would say that was not an orgasm

for me, I just did not consider it an orgasm. Now I do.

I accept it as an orgasm.

I just don’t accept it as an

orgasm that I prefer or desire.

I want it to be blended.

So it’s medicinal.

It’s a medicinal experience because it’s lasting.

There is more of an opportunity for energy to

flow through whereas in a short, localized experience there’s

not much space for energy to flow through.

And what is emotion?

That’s energy in motion.

How often have I met people who express

that orgasm was an opportunity for them to

bellow out in tears, to have catharsis?

Catharsis was my transcendental orgasm.

Incredibly powerfully cathartic loud.

I didn’t even realize how loud I was.

It was just happening because

the catharsis was happening.

I was clearing, I was purifying.

I was being healed by this beautiful,

powerful, yin like, immense, infinite sexual energy

that I had access to.

That I allowed to flow through me?

Can we allow ourselves to open up the gates within

our body, to open up our meridians, to open up

the channels, to allow this energy to flow?

Can we let go?

That does require safety, and that safety requires

intense self work, really spending time with yourself,

going deep and allowing yourself to fully feel.

So this is my episode number one on cervical orgasm.

I look forward to sharing another episode on it.

The more I get it, I’m calling it in.

I’m calling in more cervical orgasms.

I am Magnetizing, a lifetime of cervical bliss

and sending all the love to you.

Big hugs, big kisses, and see you in the next episode.


Thank you, my loves, for joining me on this journey.

I hope that this episode was fruitful for you.

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Espero que hayas disfrutado este episodio.

Gracias por darte este espacio conmigo.